Committee Meetings
Scheduled for 3rd Thursday of each month at 7 PM, Industrious – 436 E 36th St.
Contact backintheday@noda.org if you're interested in joining!
Drinks & Thinks
Interested in hearing more about the origins of the NoDa Arts District? Drinks & Thinks is like a small Ted Talk with drinks. If you have a topic in mind, send us an email backintheday@noda.org.
Past Topics Include:
The Evolution of Charlottes Art's District: A discussion about NoDa in the 90s with Jerry Kirk, Mac Masterson, and Frank Haas
Beer: how to make it, how to drink it
The Butterfly Highway and Edible Landscapes
Computers and computing
Recycling and Sustainability
America’s dad Jeff Jackson and the State of the State
Photo Gallery Exhibits
These exhibits are hosted by a NoDa Business. The photos highlight the history of the neighborhood.
Many photos focus on daily life of the families that lived in the neighborhood. Others show the community that was foundational to a mill district.
Interviews & NoDa News Articles
Interviews with individuals who have experience in Historic North Charlotte
Mill District Era
Extended Depression Era
Resurgence as the Arts District
Articles about historical findings and tales of the past
Phyllis and Howard’s love letters
Patti Mullen’s family history on 37th St
Ghost & Legends: Walking Tours Through NoDa
The Back in the Day Committee has researched ghost stories passed down from previous decades, interviewed people who have lived here for generations and listened to some of our neighbors’ more contemporary stories over the years. We’ve compiled the best of these tales into our annual Ghosts & Legends Walking Tours, which take place every October here in NoDa.It's a great way to hear about NoDa's rich and colorful history from our beginnings as mill villages to now. You might even finally figure out why it feels like you are being watched when you walk down North Alexander Street.
Shoot us an email if you have questions about our events, would like to be more involved with the committee, have a ghost story of your own to share, or know any current or former residents we should interview so we can capture our neighborhood's history: backintheday@noda.org